
Une vision ambitieuse pour la Grande Europe

This article is published in Futuribles journal no.282, janvier 2003

In this splendid article, Jacques Delors starts by reminding us of the three ultimate goals he attributes to “Greater Europe”:
– to be an area of “active peace” where the spirit of mutual understanding among peoples will prevail;
– to maintain a framework for sustainable development, i.e. an economic and social union based on competition that is stimulating, cooperation that strengthens, and solidarity that unites;
– to bring out the best from our spiritual and cultural diversity (not hiding the past, combating crime, reviving European humanism).
We need a plan for Europe that is workable, which means overcoming the problems of numbers and renewing the “community approach”.
We need a plan that sets an example: Europe must be ready to cooperate with the countries of the South, open to migration flows, and inventive -a “laboratory for globalisation” that discovers how to reconcile “the requirements of economic profitability in the short run with an awareness of the future”.

#Union européenne