
Une politique énergétique pour la France. À propos du rapport "Énergie 2010-2020"

This article is published in Futuribles journal no.241, avril 1999

Our energy policy must be long term, not only by reason of its impact on the ecosystem which sustains us, but also because of the major investments necessary for energy control, distribution and use. While energy policy was formerly a prerogative of sovereign states, it must now account for other factors and actors such as the climate, which is debated at the global level, and deregulation of the public sector, which is determined at the European level. France is also near a turning point (2010-2020), since programs established in the past are coming to an end and a new policy must be chosen for the decades to come.
The Commissariat Général du Plan (France) has therefore constituted a group of prospectivists which, on the strength of four workshops, has just published a report “Energy 2010-2020. Ways to Sober Growth”. Pierre Bonnaure has read the documents produced by this important investigation on supply and demand, and he reviews them for us here.

#Énergie #France #Prospective (étude de cas)