
Societies and Ways of Life across the World: Major Trends to 2030-2050


This article is published in Futuribles journal no.415, nov.-déc. 2016

Though the existence of disparities between the societies of the world’s different countries and between their specific contexts makes it impossible to determine precisely and exhaustively what social developments will occur worldwide over the coming decades, a certain number of deep-seated, structuring trends can be identified. As Julien Damon shows here, drawing on his contribution to the 2016 Vigie Report, four major trends are worthy of attention: a decrease in poverty worldwide; a continuing advance of the middle classes in the emerging countries and the consequences that ensue in terms of consumption; ongoing urbanization; and increased religious influence. Admittedly, these trends impact poor and rich countries very differently. They are, nonetheless, crucial in the development of the world and of the societies that will shape it in the future.

#Classe moyenne #Inégalité sociale #Pauvreté #Religion #Towns