
Industrial Relocalisation: Reshoring or Nearshoring?

Following the gridlock or seizure of certain logistics chains as a result of the health crisis and the war in Ukraine, many countries, particularly in Europe, have become aware of the importance of controlling certain strategic supplies. After decades of unbridled globalisation, often marked by the relocation of industrial activities from industrialised to developing countries (offshoring), is it time for industrial relocalisation (also known as reshoring or backshoring)? Yes and no, says Véronique Lamblin: yes, there has been a trend towards the reshoring of industrial activities in France, Europe, and the United States over the past few years, and it seems likely that the crises mentioned above could reinforce that trend. But for the time being, these movements towards reshoring are not resulting in the creation of large numbers of jobs… This analysis sheds light on the industrial reshoring that has been observed over the past ten years, and emerging trends on the (geo)economic level.

Foresight Analysis no. 274, 6 September 2022.

This analysis was finalized in August 2022. It has been translated from French by Sam Ferguson.

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