
A Look Ahead. Review of Alain Minc's Book, Ce monde qui vient

This article is published in Futuribles journal no.306, mars 2005

Rémi Perelman discusses Alain Minc’s latest book, Ce monde qui vient (The World that’s Coming, Paris: Grasset, 2004), which attempts to foresee the changes about to occur in the world. Indeed, since the collapse of communism, the world has been constantly changing. The rise of Asia, the United States as lone superpower, terrorism, the expansion of the European Union – it is hard to see whether stability is possible and what form it might take, or where France might fit in the new world order. Alain Minc gives his opinion on these topics, along with a strong piece of advice to the French: to wake up and at last appreciate how they must adapt to the transformations taking place.