
Parents, êtes-vous responsables ? Le rôle de la famille dans la délinquance des jeunes, résultats d'un enquête sur la délinquance "autodéclarée"

This article is published in Futuribles journal no.274, avril 2002

Is the shift from the traditional model of the family, based on respect for acknowledged status and norms of behavior, to a more open, “contractual” model in which individuals act according to their feelings on the basis of rules that are both negotiable and revocable -in short, families that are more precarious- one reason for the instability of children who have no points of reference and are therefore more likely to become delinquents?
No, is basically the answer given by Vincent Tournier: the relationship between parents and children is much more important than the make-up of the family -what matters is how close they are emotionally and the degree of parental supervision. Moreover, the latter is not correlated with social class (though an urban, rather than rural setting, is indeed a significant factor) but much more with the level of education and -even more- with parental values.
Can one then blame the growth in delinquency on permissive parents who were themselves young in the 1960s? Perhaps, Tournier acknowledges, but the situation is changing. Contrary to an unfortunate tradition in France, we need urgently to recognize the critical role of parents in bringing up their children, and it is possible to hope that, as parents become better educated, they will also act more responsibly in this regard.

#Délinquance #Famille #Jeunesse