
Mc Donald ou la revanche de Pearl Harbor. Une tendance " lourde " : l'obésité

This article is published in Futuribles journal no.209, mai 1996

McDonald’s or the Revenge of Pearl Harbor. Obesity: a “Heavy” Trend Indeed
A third of the population of the United States is obese. And indeed, within the last decade, Americans have put on weight thanks to an intense advertising campaign by agribusiness.
As a result, pharmaceutical industries have a prosperous market selling thinness, which has become a North-American obsession.
Nicole Morgan describes in this article the appalling result of ruthless but complementary competition. The effect has spread to other countries such as Japan where, thanks to new ways of life and new food habits, some are denouncing what is dubbed as “the revenge of Pearl Harbor”.

#Alimentation #Consommation #États-Unis #Industrie alimentaire #Industrie pharmaceutique #Japon #Santé