
The impact of quantum computing in 2042

Throughout 2023, Futuribles, the CEA (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission) and some fifteen industrial partners carried out a prospective study to gain a better understanding of the potential and impact of quantum computing in 2042.

Working with experts, four scenarios were drawn up, describing different possible futures for the development of quantum computers and their applications.

Several key messages emerge from this study:

  • Quantum computing is not intended to replace classical computing.
  • It will focus on computationally intensive problems with low data volumes.
  • The first demonstrations of quantum advantage are in the process of being carried out.
  • Technological, industrial and algorithmic hurdles still need to be overcome to develop the full potential of quantum computing.
  • The main technological milestones to follow are the number of qubits (storage unit for quantum information), error rates and error correction.
  • The economic impact of quantum computing is mostly in terms of improved performance and processes, rather than disruption.
  • The energy consumption of quantum computing does not appear to be a major issue.
  • The societal challenges of quantum computing are no different from those of digital technology.

The public report on this study is available both in English and in French:

Quantum 2042. Prospective Study on the Impacts of Quantum Computing in 2042, Public Report, CEA (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, Y.Spot, in partnership with Futuribles, March 2024, 37 p.

Quantum 2042. Étude prospective sur les impacts du calcul quantique en 2042, rapport public, CEA (Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives), Y.Spot, en partenariat avec Futuribles, mars 2024, 37 p.

#Informatique #Mathématiques #Quantique #Scénarios #Technologie de pointe