
The Impact of Immigrants on their Host Countries

On Garett Jones’s Book The Culture Transplant


This article is published in Futuribles journal no.460, mai-juin 2024

Though it always generates bitter controversy, the economic impact of immigration is seen, by and large, as more positive than negative, both for host countries and countries of origin. But what, more generally, of the long-term effects exerted by immigrants and their descendants on the host countries? This more complex issue is rarely broached, though there has been research into the topic, which this article by Pierre-Yves Cusset examines here in the light of Garett Jones’s book The Culture Transplant: How Migrants Make the Economies They Move to a Lot like the Ones They Left.

Several lessons can be drawn. First, the particular social norms and values espoused by immigrants do not disappear when they cross borders; moreover, as a general rule these are transmitted to their children and grandchildren, though the differences fade over time. Second, human ties exert a stronger pull than ties of place, and diversity of heritage has ambivalent effects. The impact is generally positive on economic prosperity so far as talent, experience and skills are concerned, but it tends toward the negative on questions of trust and the ability to cooperate, particularly where inherited attributes are concerned (sex, ethnicity etc.). Garett Jones concludes that, though the contribution of millions of immigrants (he is referring to the USA) may be an advantage in the short run, it also presents some long-term dangers — particularly where there is a massive inflow of immigrants from countries with low levels of trust and public-spiritedness and high levels of corruption or conflict. But he is careful not to come to peremptory conclusions that would apply equally to any country of origin or host nation.

This article is downloadable only in French. It is not available in English.

#Démographie #Identité culturelle #Immigration #Intégration culturelle #Système de valeurs