
The Possible Futures for the Indian Economy

This article is published in Futuribles journal no.323, octobre 2006

India, like China, has increasingly fascinated Western economists and analysts. The country that calls itself “the world’s largest democracy” looks to be one of the most promising economic powers of the 21st century.
Jean-Joseph Boillot, an expert on India, examines here the rather too common tendency to idealize its economic prospects. He makes use of scenarios to show the possible trends for this vast nation in the coming years and he emphasizes the many uncertainties facing the country, disagreeing with the idea that India will be a superpower by 2050. For both demographic and economic reasons, there is no guarantee that India will soon achieve a comparable growth to its Chinese neighbour. With the aid of forecasts and scenarios, Jean-Joseph Boillot highlights the many factors that could affect Indian growth prospects. In particular, he cites the results of a study produced by the Davos forum which concluded that India’s economic development remains unclear and will depend above all on the political strategies it adopts.

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