
Les emplois du bâtiment. Pénurie de main-d'oeuvre dans l'artisanat du bâtiment en Pays de la Loire

This article is published in Futuribles journal no.254, juin 2000

In the Pays de la Loire region, while the shipyards of Saint-Nazaire are attracting large numbers of applicants for jobs, building firms are having major problems in finding the skilled workers that they require.
Gabriel David, who is the regional representative for training for the Confederation of Small Businesses and Craftsmen in the Building Trade in the Pays de la Loire (CAPEB), discusses the vacancy situation and the methods necessary in order to fill the available vacancies.
He describes the energetic efforts required to remedy the skills shortages, especially in trying to achieve a better match between supply and demand, which is difficult not only because of the lack of qualified people, but also because of their expectations and the image of some professions.

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