
Human Rights according to Bobbio: a Utopia in the Making

This article is published in Futuribles journal no.333, septembre 2007

The thoughts presented here as one of our “Futures of Yesteryear” by Bernard Cazes are taken from a book by Professor Norberto Bobbio (1909-2004), an important Italian political philosopher, which was published in French in 2007 by Le Seuil under the title Le Futur de la démocratie (The Future of Democracy). In it he analyses the progress and development of human rights in modern societies, a major trend involving the proliferation of new rights in every field. But while this undoubtedly means a real step forward for mankind, says Professor Bobbio, several obstacles could hinder further progress, such as the problem of relativity or the contradictory character of certain rights, not to mention the fact that “the international protection of human rights is perhaps not essential where it is possible, and much less possible where it is necessary”.
