
L'Afrique invente son avenir : la prospective au service de la responsabilité

This article is published in Futuribles journal no.288, juillet-août 2003

Over the last ten years the “African futures” programme has successfully encouraged futures studies in sub-Saharan Africa, including the completion of about twenty national studies and a global survey of the long-term outlook for Africa (EPALTA), exploring the possible and desirable prospects for the continent, with the help of a large network of experts and actors, from both inside and outside Africa.
The time has now come for “African futures” to develop into an independent African institution that aims to continue the action, with a new impetus and, by drawing effectively on all those who would like to see it succeed, to contribute to futures studies applied to the rapid and sustainable development of the continent.
The text printed here is an appeal, already signed by more than 200 African and foreign personalities, urging the creation of this new organization. The Futuribles group, which has been associated with the “African futures” programme from the outset, naturally supports this appeal and invites readers to give their backing to this initiative which aims to provide the African continent with an independent organization concerned with monitoring and foresight as inputs to a genuine strategy of long-term development.

#Afrique #Prospective