In the field of foresight in France, periodicals, collections of books and reports have been published for several years or have left their mark. This Collections and archives page brings them together and provides access to these publications.

• The Futuribles journal, created in 1975 and published by Futuribles. Its archives have been digitised. Access by subscription or sale by issue.
• The Vigie Report published since 2004 by Futuribles International. Access via membership of the Futuribles International association or sold individually.
• The Vigie Alimentation study published since 2014 by Futuribles International. Access via subscription to Vigie Alimentation or membership of the Futuribles International association as a partner member.
• The Perspectives Series, comprising around 10 books published between 2003 and 2008 by Futuribles. The printed editions are out of print. However, these bilingual books, in French and English, have been digitised and are freely available.
• The Travaux et recherches de prospective Series published by Futuribles International between 1995 and 2005. Of the 26 issues published, 21 have been digitised and are freely accessible.
• Twenty-three monographs from the Travaux et recherches de prospective Series published by the DATAR (Délégation à l’aménagement du territoire et à l’action régionale) between 1969 and 1981. These monographs, the most significant in terms of foresight, have been digitised and are freely accessible.
• DATAR’s Revue 2000, published between 1966 and 1978 by La documentation Française. Its 45 issues have been digitised and are freely accessible.
• Les Cahiers du LIPSOR (Laboratoire d’investigation en prospective, stratégie et organisation), published by the CNAM since 1995. Seven issues, including one of the Study Series and two of the Research Series, have been digitised and are freely accessible.
• The 15 issues of the journal Prospective by Gaston Berger’s Centre d’études prospectives, published by Presses universitaires de France between 1959 and 1969.
• Ten issues of Notes d’Aleph, the group of the Commissariat Général du Plan responsible for the methodological study of the foresight of the strategic State and its anticipatory functions. These issues, published between 2003 and 2005, have been digitised and are freely available.
• Other reference works and journals (Sédéis, revue Economia, Les Cahiers français, etc.).

Futuribles Journal since 1975

Tous les numéros
Issue 462 sept.-oct. 2024
Issue 461 July-August 2024
Issue 460 May-June 2024
Issue 459 March-April 2024

Revue 2000 between 1966 et 1978

Toutes les revues 2000
Revue 2000 N°45 Free
1 October 1978
13 pages
Revue 2000 N°44 Free
1 July 1978
15 pages
Revue 2000 N°43 Free
1 April 1978
14 pages
Revue 2000 N°42 Free
1 January 1978
12 pages