
The Mediterranean and the Effects of Climate Change


This article is published in Futuribles journal no.443, juillet-août 2021

With summer at its height and a section of holidaymakers enjoying the benefits of the seaside, Futuribles is continuing its series on the oceans begun a year ago in July-August 2020. This time the Mediterranean takes centre stage in the analysis, with a specific focus on the potential consequences of climate change on this region which straddles Africa, Europe and the Middle East. Drawing on work by Mediterranean Experts on Climate and Environmental Change (MedECC), Thierry Lavoux, François Guerquin and Katarzyna Marini examine the impact of climate change that might affect the region by the middle and end of the present century: climate disasters (droughts, floods), higher sea levels, acidification etc. will have major effects on human activities (agriculture, habitat) and ecosystems. They go on to stress the situation of the different regions of the Mediterranean Basin in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, and the action taken (or not) to alleviate climate change. But whatever the scenario, the region will suffer and it is in adapting to the consequences that follow that the resilience of the local populations will come into play.
#Biosphère #Climat #Écosystèmes #Océans #Pays méditerranéens #Risques