
La décolonisation culturelle, défi majeur du XXIe siècle

This article is published in Futuribles journal no.213, octobre 1996

Cultural Decolonisation. A Major Challenge for the 21st Century
This article constitutes the introduction of Mahdi Elmandjra’s new book: “Cultural Decolonisation, A Major Challenge for the 21st Century”.
Faithful to the ideas that the author has been defending for several decades, this text emphasizes the importance of cultural diversity and the necessity of respecting it as a preamble to any intercultural dialogue. He denounces the threat to this diversity from the hegemonic will of the Occident, most particularly of the United States. This is a big challenge to any country which aspires to cultural independence.

#États-Unis #Identité culturelle #Impérialisme #Relations Nord-Sud