Created in 1975, Futuribles is the leading French-language forecasting journal. Its objective is to provide its readers the necessary elements to a better understanding of the contemporary world, an analysis of its possible evolutions (possible futures), of the stakes involved, and of the policies and strategies that could be adopted by the various actors.

Futuribles journal is published every two months in print or digital edition.

You can download a few extracts of our latest issues here.

The journal
is composed of

in-depth articles

on the major challenges of today’s world and of the medium and long term future


that can account for different points of view on issues that are the subject of key controversies

a European chronicle

dedicated to enlight, from a forward-looking perspective, the major challenges of the European construction

a “Signposts” section

suggesting a sythetic insight on specific issues


a “Futures of Yesteryear” section

covering great classics that have proven to be particularly clear-sighted

a “News of the future” section

on major trends and emergent phenomena (weak signals) spotted in the news of the past weeks

a “Read, Seen, Heard” section

including critical analysis and reviews of books, reports, articles, conferences, movies, series…, to enlight the range of possible futures

The team

Editorial team

Quentin Bisalli, Cécile Désaunay, Laurie Grzesiak, Marie Ségur


Anne De Beer

How to read Futuribles?

The journal is published bimonthly in print and digital edition

Lire le dernier numéro

You can read the journal buying:

a subscription (print edition, digital or print + digital edition)
a full issue (PDF format o print edition)
Voir les offres

Legal Notice

Futuribles journal is published and distributed by:

FUTURIBLES SARL (independent media company)
Head office: 47, rue de Babylone 75007 Paris – France
Tel.: + 33 (0)1 53 63 37 70
E-mail: [email protected]

RCS No.: PARIS 340 541 762
SARL with a capital of 17 531,64 euros
Publication director: François de Jouvenel
Main partners: François de Jouvenel, Hugues de Jouvenel, Corinne Roëls

ISSN No. print edition: 0337-307X
ISSN No. digital edition: 1958-5764

Print edition, Joint Committee No.: 0426 D 80574
Digital edition, Joint Committee No.: 0926 Y 91022

Hosting company: Filnet – Groupe Infoclip – 20 rue de la Michodière – 75002 Paris
Tél.: + 33 (0)1 43 18 19 20

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MLP diffusion managed by : À juste titres – Alicia Abadie – Chemin de Font Sereine – Le Grand Bosquet, BAT B – 13420 Gémenos – France
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Permission to reproduce, in another publication (book or periodical), an article appearing in this publication must be obtained from the publisher: Aude Houguenague, Futuribles, 47 rue de Babylone, 75007 Paris, France; tel.: + 33 (0)1 53 63 37 73, e-mail: [email protected]

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