Table ronde
Nigeria 2035



27 jun. 2024, 17h30
27 jun. 2024, 19h00


Futuribles International


Aude Houguenague
[email protected]

As part of it’s Africa program, Futuribles is organizing on June 27 17:30-19:00 a round table “Nigeria 2035” on Nigeria’s future. This round table will take place online and will be moderated by Thierry Hommel, director of Africa program at Futuribles. We are honored to welcome Michael Nwankpa, Issa Olawale Albert and Marc-Antoine Pérouse de Montclos to debate on issues such as Foreign and security policies, Economic diversification and cooperations, urbanization, climate adaptation and environmental protection.

Honored guest :

Michael Nwankpa is the Founding Director / Director of Research at the Centre for African Conflict and Development in London and the host of the Conflict & Development in Africa Podcast. He holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Roehampton. His main research area is the nexus between conflict and development, including the concept of a human rights-based approach to development. His other research interests relate to counterinsurgency, counterterrorism, foreign and security policy, and African security. Dr. Nwankpa has published several articles on Boko Haram and on conflict in Nigeria generally. He is the author of Nigeria’s Fourth Republic, 1999-2021: A Militarised Democracy (Routledge, 2022) and co-author of The Boko Haram Reader: From Nigerian Preachers to the Islamic State (Hurst and Oxford University Press, 2018), a seminal work and indispensable guide to the rise and development of the militant group. He is currently working on an edited book volume on Boko Haram and a book on Militaries and Warfare in Africa

Isaac Olawale Albert is a Professor of African History, Peace and Conflict Studies and Founding Director of the Institute for Peace and Strategic Studies (IPSS), University of Ibadan, Nigeria. He was the Director of the University’s Institute of African Studies from August 2010 to July 2013. Prof. Isaac Albert is a Member of the Folklore Fellows (Helsinki, Finland), Fellow at the Nigerian Academy of Letters (NAL) and Fellow at the Society for Peace Studies and Practice (SPSP), Nigeria. He is also Fellow at the Institute of Chartered Mediators and Conciliators (ICMC), Nigeria, and Full Member, Chatham House London.

Marc-Antoine Pérouse de Montclos is a political scientist and senior researcher at the Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD) in Paris. He has lived for several years in Nigeria, South Africa and Kenya. He was a Fellow  at Chatham House, London, and the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO). A specialist on armed conflicts in sub-Saharan Africa, he graduated from the Institut d’études politiques de Paris (IEP) and has published more than 80 articles and books. In 2024, he published two books on Nigeria, Géopolitique du Nigéria (Paris, presses universitaires de France) and The business of the oil curse (Brill, transl. from La fabrique de la malédiction du pétrole dans le delta du Niger, Editions de la Sorbonne).
