
Et si George Bush avait tout faux ? Le changement climatique, un défi planétaire

This article is published in Futuribles journal no.286, mai 2003

In December 1997, the leaders of 168 countries agreed in Kyoto to reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases which are suspected of disturbing the climate by 5.2% before 2012.
Four years later, the United States withdrew from the agreements. Why? Pierre Bonnaure tries to explain the American position and to demonstrate that ultimately the United States perhaps does more for the environment than the European countries…
Leaving aside George Bush, André Lebeau replies that we are, for the first time, confronted with a truly global challenge, a challenge that requires humanity to act globally. The fact that the United States is the leader of the world means that it has a duty to act in the best interests of the future of humankind. It is therefore altogether regrettable that the United States is more concerned to protect its own interests rather than to lead global action in the face of the threats looming over the Earth.

#Climat #États-Unis