
Enron, les retraites et la gestion du risque financier

This article is published in Futuribles journal no.276, juin 2002

Bernard Cochemé first sets out the scale of the catastrophe brought about by the collapse of Enron and explains the consequences of such a bankruptcy for those whose pensions depend on capital funds.
In this regard, he makes a clear distinction between pension funds, in particular those with a fixed return which, if they are properly run, spread the risks fairly, from the savings funds, especially those with fixed contributions, whose holdings amount to around $2 trillion.
The author emphasizes the importance of managing risks, in particular the critical need for reliable financial information and therefore for reliable financial advisers, especially auditors, who mercifully are not always as corrupt as seems to have been in the case in the Enron affair.
Nevertheless, he has concerns about the new measures being proposed by the US government and Congress in order to safeguard the rights of employees and shareholders.

#Commerce international #Marché financier #Retraite