
Twinning the Green and Digital Transitions in the European Union: The EU’s 2022 Strategic Foresight Report


This article is published in Futuribles journal no.451, nov.-déc. 2022

Because of its effects on energy supplies, the Russo-Ukrainian conflict has speeded up efforts to develop renewable energy sources in Europe, thus indirectly contributing to the EU’s ecological transition. However, to secure the implementation of that transition in this new context — and combine it with the digital transition, a second major axis of European policy — it is essential to develop a robust, long-term strategy. This is what is advocated in the EU’s 2022 Strategic Foresight Report, the official presentation of which we carry in this issue.
#Aspects politiques #Stratégie (étude de cas) #Technologie de l’information #Transition écologique #Union européenne