
Chômage et difficultés de recrutement en France

This article is published in Futuribles journal no.272, février 2002

In France, especially during periods of strong economic growth (between 1997 and 2000, as also in 1986 to 1989), serious problems of recruiting workers have been observed even when the level of unemployment has remained high.
The article by Christine Afriat and Claude Seibel analyses these tensions as they have been seen, especially in certain sectors (construction, public works and transport) and certain professions, with a considerable degree of variation depending on the locality.
The authors first discuss the different ways these tensions in the labour market can be evaluated, then show how they vary over the long term and explain why it is that, given the particular characteristics of the labour market, these difficulties in hiring should not be confused with a general labour shortage. Then, basing their case on the recent past, they speculate about the likely demand for labour between now and 2010, stressing especially the major turnover in the job market which will occur as the baby boom generation reaches retirement age from 2005 onwards.
Their forecasts obviously depend heavily on the strength of economic growth, labour demand, changes in productivity and various other factors. Nevertheless, these forecasts are extremely relevant to the problems of matching demand for and supply of labour which have already been observed and as they may develop in future. In doing so, the authors show that a whole series of qualitative considerations affect the equation : not just skills and qualifications, but also housing, transport, etc. which, at local level, contribute to whether or not supply matches demand. They go on to point out the methods available for achieving better regulation of the labour market and they highlight the particular roles to be played by the various public and private bodies concerned.

#Chômage #France