
Abstracts no. 459

This article is published in Futuribles journal no.459, mars-avril 2024

Is France Still a Land of Science?
Emmanuel Basset

Disruptive Innovation: France in Global Competition
On Sonia Bellit and Vincent Charlet’s Study L’Innovation de rupture
Pierre Papon

Global Heating in the Alps
Glacier Degradation, Decline of Snow Cover and the Consequences for Water Resources
Bernard Francou 

On the French Population’s Carbon Footprint
A First Behavioural Survey
Jérôme Boutang 

Police Stop-and-Search Policies in Europe
Recurrent Protests, Limited Reforms
Jacques de Maillard and Mike Rowe

European Funding, Conditionality and Respect for Values
The EU Gives itself Teeth
Catherine Vieilledent 

The Question of Ukraine’s Borders
Jean-François Drevet