
Abstracts no. 455

This article is published in Futuribles journal no.455, juillet-août 2023

Staying on Course for Energy/Climate Transition Foresight in Conditions of Uncertainty
Patrick Criqui and Emmanuel Hache

Carbon Capture, Storage and Utilization: A New Start
Jean-Pierre Hauet

The Challenge of the Circular Economy Advocating a New Approach
François Grosse

Ecological Planning and Soil Usage in France A Paradigm Shift and a Shock Wave
Jean Haëntjens

Towards the Stationary City?
Thoughts on La Ville stationnaire by Philippe Bihouix, Sophie Jeantet and Clémence de Selva
Julien Damon

Modernization Chinese Style Between National Strategy and Global Project
Benoît Vermander

Europe Faced with a Return of Blocs
Jean-François Drevet