
Abstracts no. 462

This article is published in Futuribles journal no.462, sept.-oct. 2024

What Course for U.S. Foreign Policy after the 2024 Presidential Elections?
Laurent Cohen-Tanugi

Demographic Perspectives in the USA
Ageing, Ethnic Diversification and Migratory Dynamics 
William H. Frey

Economic Prospects for the United States
The Inflation Reduction Act: What Knock-on Effects?
Antoine Bouët 

Are we Moving towards Chinese Leadership in the Automotive Sector?
Chinese Vehicle Manufacturers Battling for the Global Market
Antoine Le Bec 

What Objectives Should the French Education System Pursue?
Fabien Truong, interviewed by Jean-Pierre Bellier and Hugues de Jouvenel

Sadi Carnot and Joseph Fourier, Visionaries of the Industrial Revolution
Pierre Papon 

The Accession of Ukraine and Moldavia
Opening Negotiations on Membership of the European Union
Jean-François Drevet