
Abstracts no. 460

This article is published in Futuribles journal no.460, mai-juin 2024

Immigration: Views Rational and Irrational
Catherine Wihtol de Wenden 

Europe Swamped? 
Alain Parant

The Impact of Immigrants on their Host Countries
On Garett Jones’s Book The Culture Transplant 
Pierre-Yves Cusset 

End-of-Life Management
The Provisions Adopted in the Industrialized Countries
Sergio Perelman and Pierre Pestieau

Chinese Online Selling Platforms on the Offensive
Are We Heading for a Global e-Commerce Revolution?
Henri Isaac 

Mapmaking and the Challenge Posed by Google Maps
Isabelle Baraud-Serfaty 

The Demand for Critical Metals Associated with Electric-powered Transport
The Inevitability of Voluntary Restraint
Véronique Lamblin 

The European Parliament and the French
Jean-François Drevet