
Disruptive Innovation: France in Global Competition

On Sonia Bellit and Vincent Charlet’s Study L’Innovation de rupture


This article is published in Futuribles journal no.459, mars-avril 2024

In an increasingly competitive economic world, with some technologies (such as AI) making dazzling advances, R&D capacity and the ability to innovate have become strategic assets in international competition. Among these innovations, those capable of radically transforming a sector — and, indeed, our everyday lives — occupy a crucial place in the minds of economic actors. This is why ‘La Fabrique de l’industrie’ has conducted a study devoted especially to ‘disruptive innovation’ and France’s ranking on a world scale in that area. Based on personal testimony and an analysis of the data on patents in 12 fields of technology (8 related to ecological transition), the publication drawn from that study, which Pierre Papon reviews in this article, affords an understanding of France’s innovation dynamic, its technological positioning and the type of institution involved (public-sector organizations, start-ups, major corporations etc.).

As Papon stresses, in these cutting-edge fields that are particularly key to driving the future the Asian countries and the USA lead the world. In Europe, with a few exceptions (including Germany), research lags behind, with France apparently losing momentum. He sums up the lessons and indicators provided by this study, together with its recommendations for lending renewed dynamism to French research and innovation in these strategic sectors.

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