
Abstract no. 457

This article is published in Futuribles journal no.457, nov.-déc. 2023

Human Being(s) in 2050
Presentation of Futuribles International’s 2023 Vigie Report
Cécile Désaunay and Marie Ségur

The Europe Union and its Demographic Decline
Alain Parant

Europe: How are Value Chains to be Repatriated?
The Long-term Strategic Dependencies of the European Union  
Vincent Vicard and Pauline Wibaux
What Factors are Driving Global Value-Chain Reconfiguration?
Aymeric Lachaux 

Territorial Foresight Monitoring: The Analysis of Weak Signals
Frédéric Weill 

A New State of Affairs in Crisis Management
Coping with High Intensity Shocks
Patrick Lagadec

Friedrich Nietzsche: Prophet or Futurologist?
Philippe Granarolo

What Foreign Policy Should Europe Adopt? When the Past illuminates the Present
Jean-François Drevet