
Climate, Crises: The Transformation Plan for the French Economy

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How can we decarbonize the French economy by 2050 so that France can contribute to limiting global warming? This is the question the Shift Project seeks to answer. This think tank, a large group of experts led by Jean-Marc Jancovici, proposes concrete solutions for achieving the energy transition, which are presented in the seventeen chapters of this book. In the foreword, Jancovici reminds us that our addiction to fossil fuels is the main cause of climate change and emphasizes the need to radically transform French energy consumption in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, especially CO2, by 5 percent per year. The book examines the major economic sectors, proposing levers to achieve their energy transformation and considering the resulting impact on employment.

The Shift Project / Jancovici Jean-Marc (foreword), Climat, crises : le plan de transformation de l’économie française, Paris: Odile Jacob, January 2022, 272 p.

The Transformation Plan for the French Economy (Plan de transformation de l’économie française, or PTEF, in Shift Project terminology) is neither growth- nor degrowth-oriented and is based on three principles: 1) drastically reducing the consumption of fossil fuels; 2) limiting the consumption of materials; and 3) reducing the consumption of biomass. It advocates energy conservation by halving final energy consumption in 2050 compared to 2019, virtually eliminating the use of fossil fuels, and limiting the use of...