
Brexit and Greater Europe


This article is published in Futuribles journal no.423, mars-avril 2018

In one year’s time, in March 2019, the negotiations to finalize the UK’s exit from the European Union (Brexit) should have reached an end. This is, admittedly, a short timeline, but is it set in stone and what consequences are to be expected from it? Jean-François Drevet looks here at three questions directly or indirectly linked to Brexit: the hypothesis of the UK reversing its decision if it does not achieve a satisfactory agreement on leaving the EU; the consequences of Brexit for the EU’s internal relations and, in particular, the real, unexpected cohesion of the 27 other members of the Union in the current negotiations; and lastly the clarification that follows from this with regard to the EU’s relations with its periphery. Whatever the outcome of Brexit, one thing is sure. It will have moved things on and contributed to a degree of revitalization within the European Union.

#Coopération internationale. Relations internationales #Royaume-Uni #Union européenne