
A General Overview of Electric Road Vehicles


This article is published in Futuribles journal no.423, mars-avril 2018

In July 2017 Nicolas Hulot, the French Minister of Ecological and Inclusive Transition, presented a climate plan featuring an end to electricity generation from coal by 2022, a reduction in the nuclear component of electricity supply by one third, a total ban on the sale of petrol or diesel cars by 2040 and an incentive scheme designed gradually to remove polluting vehicles from the roads. Other European partners are following suit and promoting the spread of electric vehicles (Norway, Germany, Netherlands etc.). Yet is this the panacea that will meet the targets for greenhouse gas reduction in the battle against climate change? Futuribles examines the question in this issue with two articles: the first of these by Pierre Bonnaure, above, assesses the forces driving the spread of electric cars and the impediments to that process; this second article by Véronique Lamblin offers a general overview of electric road vehicles (passenger cars, heavy good vehicles, bicycles etc.) throughout the world.

#Automobiles #Énergie électrique #Mobilité #Transport routier