
Working Differently: On Françoise Frisch’s Book “La Boulodiversité“

This article is published in Futuribles journal no.404, jan.-fév. 2015

In a France that has seen recurring economic crises for almost 40 years and where unemployment figures for the working population are stuck at around the 10% mark, there seems little point waiting passively for the state to provide solutions. This is, all in all, the message Françoise Frisch is trying to get across in this book which, taking account of the (technological and societal) developments in the occupational sphere, argues for a transformation of work in France. Building on an initial field study, Frisch advocates what she calls “job-o-diversity” (boulodiversité), mapping out pathways for a transition towards logics of production that are attuned to contemporary realities. André-Yves Portnoff has read the book for Futuribles and distils its lessons for us here.
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