
Producing and Consuming in the Era of Ecological Transition: A Study by Futuribles International

This article is published in Futuribles journal no.403, nov.-déc. 2014

Between April 2013 and April 2014, Futuribles International coordinated a massive study aimed at identifying emergent consumption behaviour in order to gauge the prospects for development, the effects on production processes and the economic, social, environmental and other impacts. This study, which was focused on France, consisted of four phases: a diagnostic phase on material consumption in France; a listing of emergent modes of consumption and production in France and abroad, and a selection of those which seem, on the face of it, to offer the greatest potential for resource-saving; a study of the dissemination potential of these innovative practices; and the development of scenarios with a time-horizon of 2030 on consumption practices and their impact in terms of resource-saving. Cécile Désaunay, who co-directed this study, provides a summary of it here, the aim ultimately being to inform thinking on the links between wealth creation and the use of non-renewable natural resources, and to show that there are levers that can be used to promote the transition to styles of life and consumption that are simpler and more respectful of our ecosystem.
#Consommation #Limites à la croissance #Production #Prospective #Scénarios #Transition écologique