
Sport, a Geopolitical Issue: The Football World Cup: Some Thoughts on Major Sporting Competitions

This article is published in Futuribles journal no.401, juillet-août 2014

June 12, one of the most widely reported sporting events on the planet began: the football world cup, which is held in Brazil until July 13. This presents us with an opportunity to assess the place sport occupies today in the global geopolitical arena, beginning with football, which is no doubt the most popular sporting discipline in many countries, including France. Sébastien Abis has interviewed Pascal Boniface on this subject. Boniface is the director of IRIS, the French International and Strategic Relations Institute, and the author of a number of works on geopolitical issues and their connection with sport. As revealed in the interview, sporting events and the performance of national teams have come to play an increasingly large part in the international image and standing of states large and small. It is likely that this will increasingly be the case, despite the possibility that unfortunate consequences may ensue from the economic interests in play. It therefore has to be taken into account in diplomatic and visibility strategies on the international stage, and efforts have to be made to use this now indispensable element of “soft power” to the best possible effect.
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