
“Terre de liens”: The Green Shoots of Organic Growing

This article is published in Futuribles journal no.392, jan.-fév. 2013

For almost a year now, Futuribles journal has been opening its columns to organizations or individuals who are real actors in the economic and social field, initiators of constructive or innovative approaches conducing to the common good. Through the “Actors’ Words” rubric and, from this issue onwards the “Makers of the Future” column, these actors provide evidence of what can really be done to progress towards a future that is chosen rather than imposed. This month, Marthe de La Taille-Rivero presents the work of the “Terre de liens” association, which provides support for project developers wishing to acquire land in rural or commuter-belt areas and encourages the creation of activities that are ecologically responsible and promote social solidarity. After reminding us of the conditions in which the association emerged, she outlines the legal and financial instruments that have enabled this staunchly apolitical association to strengthen its base in France and extend its action for greater solidarity in the countryside, for new forms of territorial planning and for the spread of environmentally friendly agriculture.
#Agriculture #Économie foncière #Zones rurales