
États-Unis : l'emploi à l'horizon 2008

This article is published in Futuribles journal no.257, octobre 2000

At the end of 1999 the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS, responsible for US employment statistics) published a series of projections for employment in the United States between now and 2008. Charles du Granrut presents some of the main findings here, showing that, even if the rate of growth slows down, the present situation of virtually full employment is likely to continue.
According to the BLS, the American economy has been “tertiarized” and the trends noted since 1976 will probably be maintained in the coming decade. However, as Charles du Granrut stresses, “the image of an American economy based largely on services is too simplistic”: for one thing, the growth of many services is closely linked to manufacturing; for another, the growth of services is strongly tied to demand and the arrangements made to satisfy that demand.
Lastly, the nature of employment in the United States is also changing: the level of skills and qualifications required are in general rising, which does nothing to reduce inequalities (according to the BLS, the highest rates of growth are in the best-paid but also in the less well-paid jobs).

#emploi #États-Unis #Prévision (étude de cas)