
Mieux gérer l'océan mondial

This article is published in Futuribles journal no.239, février-mars 1999

Better Management of the World’s Oceans
At the end of 1998, the “International Year of the Oceans”, Pierre Papon reminds us of their essential role:
– as a provider of natural resources and economic activities;
– as the source of major scientific and technological challenges, considering for example their impact on climate;
– as a communications space on the geopolitical stage.
The author describes current legislation on oceans (more specifically the UN convention on the rights of the sea) and the main recommendations by the independent World Commission on Oceans, which was assembled in 1995 under the presidency of Mario Soares. Papon underlines especially the governance issues which are raised by this common heritage of humanity, and urges Europe to be more proactive in the field.

#Communauté européenne #Océans #Relations internationales #Ressources naturelles