
Croissance économique et emploi : quelle relation ?

This article is published in Futuribles journal no.238, janvier 1999

Economic Growth and Employment: Are They Connected ?
“Just to look at the future shakes it”, Gaston Berger said. Even more troubling is that our perceptions of what is happening differ and can lead to radically opposed conclusions according to the glasses we choose to wear (i.e. the social indicators we select).
To cite but one example: in a recent issue of Futuribles Hugues de Jouvenel pointed out that there are several ways to look at French economic growth between 1970 and 1996. Depending whether we used the rate of growth or its volume we would infer quite different end points.
He asked Futuribles’ readers to tell him which reading appeared to them to be the most pertinent. He repeats here the same question while publishing some of the first answers. Their diversity is quite interesting from technical and sociological points of view.