
Prospective, débat, décision publique. Avis du Conseil économique et social

This article is published in Futuribles journal no.235, octobre 1998

Prospective, Debate and Public Decision. A Report from the Economic and Social Council
This text is an opinion expressed in a report by Jean-Paul Bailly and adopted on July 8, 1998 by the Economic and Social Council on behalf of the Special Commission of the Plan on the theme of “Prospective, Debate and Public Decision”. It underscores the importance that prospective (a studied look at the future) should take in public debate on social issues.
The author starts by pointing out that in a world and society in rapid mutation, the French decision-making process is in crisis, especially at the level of the state, for the state is now challenged in its strategic role as guarantor of longterm stability. This circumstance heightens the importance of the role that prospective should play as a tool of collective wisdom. The scope of prospective should be widened to include not only possible and desirable futures but also a focus on the present, to identify potential factors of change and to evaluate current policies.
This amounts to a prospective of continuity as a contribution of substance to the debate, inspiring the decision, and attracting community input to the implementation of policies. The proposals of the author should certainly be of interest to readers of Futuribles. He suggests in particular the creation of a National Conference on the Future, to be held in the year 2000, and the regular publication of a Prospective on the State of the Nation.

#France #Planification #Prospective