
SOS jeunesse : un appel controversé

This article is published in Futuribles journal no.210, juin 1996

SOS Youth. A Controversial Call
In its 205th issue (January 1996) Futuribles published a “Call For Saving the Future: SOS Youth”, by Evelyne Sullerot, Jean-Claude Chesnais, Michel Godet, Jacques Dupâquier, Philippe Rossillon. It has provoked a hot debate among some of our Board members and readers.
We are publishing here a letter sent by Rémi Barré which synthesizes clearly the perspectives of several persons and a synopsis by Hugues de Jouvenel, Director of the Journal. Michel Godet answers to the critics and Hugues de Jouvenel concludes the debate.

#Démographie #France #Jeunesse #Politique sociale