
Le management selon Mary Parker Follett. Soixante-dix ans d'avance (à ce jour...)

This article is published in Futuribles journal no.209, mai 1996

Management According to Mary Parker Follett. Seventy Years in Advance (to this date…)
Literature on management is abundant given the compulsion of every consultant to publish at least one book on the topic. If not a genius with a major intellectual breakthrough to offer, the author must at least invent a word or a concept to give an odour of novelty to his work, allowing him to hit the list of best-sellers for top managers. In more courteous terms, Marc Mousli demonstrates how many of these fashionable ideas were developed some twenty years ago by Mary Parker Follett: namely, the systemic approach, “constructive conflict”, the art of leadership, participative management, networking and citizen-enterprises.
Was she too far ahead of her time to have been ignored by francophones, or do we admire her in secret and take her ideas without acknowledgment? The probable answer is that we invent very little and that many older written works remain eminently current. Does it mean that nothing changes or that everything repeats itself ?

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