
L'entreprise individuelle. Vers un nouveau modèle de travail

This article is published in Futuribles journal no.207, mars 1996

Self-employment. Towards a New Model of Working on an Individual Basis
According to Bob Aubrey, full-time indeterminate employment for a period of 37-40 years and within the same organisation is a thing of the past. It will be increasingly replaced by a new type of employment, with blurred boundaries between commercial and non-commercial, between work and non-work. Employment will be replaced by “self-employment”, by independent work, by a way of life marked throughout by the interrelation of multiple activities, paid and non-paid for services to others and to oneself, making a portfolio of our competencies, the development of being as well as the emphasis on having.
We are going through a transition period between employment and self- employment, the era of the salary and the era of individual enterprise, from a time when only working hours were paid with money to a time when personal investment will be rewarded by the blossoming individual.
Bob Aubrey describes fundamental mutations which, according to him, will transform the working universe, our modalities of living and even the operations of a society in which workers are independent. In this society, all of one’s aptitudes – not just professional or certified competence – will be mobilised for the benefit of a better individual and collective being. He sketches here a possible evolution.

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