

Abstracts n° 443

Cet article fait partie de la revue Futuribles n° 443, juillet-août 2021

Europe: Values Evolving, but Divisions Still as Wide as Ever
Pierre Bréchon

The Rise of Authoritarian Populism, as Reflected in the Values Studies
Gilles Ivaldi

The Development of Tolerance in Europe: The Contrast between Ethical and Civic Issues
Raul Magni Berton

The Mediterranean and the Effects of Climate Change
Thierry Lavoux, with François Guerquin and Katarzyna Marini

The Inescapable Decline of Oil: Will the EU Suffer the First Shortages?
Matthieu Auzanneau

Towards a More Contested World? The Latest NIC Global Trends Seen in the Light of Previous Reports
Geoffrey Delcroix

5G at a Crossroads
Marie Ségur

Measuring Extra-financial Information: A Critical Challenge for Companies
Geneviève Ferone Creuzet

Thinking the Future under the Influence of the Present: A Short History of the Future Anterior
Quentin Scavardo

Europe and Basic Freedoms
Jean-François Drevet