

Abstracts n° 433

Cet article fait partie de la revue Futuribles n° 433, nov.-déc. 2019

France, Inequalities and the Social Ladder
Laurence Boone and Antoine Goujard

Binary Thinking, Complex Thinking
Jean-Pierre Bellier

Excessive Early Exposure to Screens: How to Detect and Prevent the Associated Disorders
Daniel Marcelli

Screens and the Development of Children and Adolescents
Grégoire Borst

The Human-Machine Dialogue. Artificial Intelligence/Human Intelligence: Manipulation and Evaluation
Laurence Devillers

How will Work look in the Era of Digital Platforms? The Challenges of a New Social Contract
Louis-Charles Viossat

Gilets jaunes: Issues around a Mobilization. The ‘Gilets jaunes’ up against Social Injustice and the Democratic System
Aziz Jellab?

After Brexit, What Future for Britain? (Futures of Yesteryear)
Daphne du Maurier

Should the European Union Defend itself?
Jean-François Drevet