

Abstracts n° 401

Cet article fait partie de la revue Futuribles n° 401, juillet-août 2014

Major Sporting Events: The Need for a Reassessment
Jean-Jacques Gouguet and Jean-François Brocard

Sport, a Geopolitical Issue: The Football World Cup: Some Thoughts on Major Sporting Competitions
Pascal Boniface interviewed by Sébastien Abis

The « European Capital of Culture » Label: The Long-term Effects of Major Cultural Events
Marthe de La Taille-Rivero

Paris and the French Disease: On the Inextricable Connection between Urban and National Economies
Mario Polèse

A New Vision for the Paris Metropolis
Jean-Claude Prager

The Global Car Market: Factoring Urban Realities into Forecasts
Véronique Lamblin

The Evaluation of Public Investment
Émile Quinet

Reverse Innovation: Towards New North-South Relations?
Jean-Michel Huet

Quality of Life at Work: Toward a Reform of Company Governance
Hubert Landier

An End to France’s Territorial Layer-Cake?
Jean-François Drevet