Causal Layered Analysis Masterclass


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15 oct. 2024, 9h30
15 oct. 2024, 17h30


Paris 7th, France


Futuribles International


+ 33 (0)1 53 63 37 71


Corinne ROËLS
[email protected]

Prix et durée

€930 or €1,116 including VAT at 20%, 1 day, 7 hours

Causal Layered Analysis (abbreviated as CLA) is one of the most innovative approaches in futures studies and foresight since the end of the 1990s. It is used to create alternative futures. The masterclass will consist of presentations, case studies and workshops allowing participants to experiment the approach.

CLA assumes four levels of reality, each equally important: the litany or the day-to-day unquestioned reality — headlines and data; the systemic or social causation level in which reality is accounted for and solutions offered; the worldview or discourse level wherein multiple perspectives and stakeholder positions are included; and the deepest level of myth and metaphor linked to culture that creates worldviews and where long-term transformation often occurs. CLA goes up and down these layers of analysis searching for solutions and strategies, finding new stories with accompanying new litanies.

CLA has been developed over the past thirty years and now is used throughout the world, and in particular in Asia, in a number of settings: (1) as a way to deepen analysis so that policy solutions and innovative strategies are more inclusive, broader and successful, (2) as a strategy tool to deepen and broaden traditional business and executive strategic thinking, (3) as a tool to create structured conversations around gaps in policymaking, (4) as a tool for  fleshing out backcasts, to ensure that they are robust, (5) as part of incasting scenarios, (6) as a way for practitioners to gain self-reflection on their core narratives, and (7) as a research tool for doctoral students.

CLA has been used, for example, in projects with international police, city councils, professional associations, large multinational corporations, small and medium-sized enterprises, and national governments. Topics have included terrorism, the knowledge revolution, libraries, quality and safety in health, bio-security, university futures and education policy.

The masterclass will be conducted in English.

Sohail Inayatullah
, a political scientist and futurist, is the UNESCO Chair in Futures Studies at the Sejahtera Centre for Sustainability and Humanity, IIUM, Malaysia. He is also Professor at Tamkang University, Taiwan, and Associate, Melbourne Business School, the University of Melbourne. He teaches from where his courses include « Become a Futurist » and « Personal Futures: the CLA of the Self ». He is listed in the top two percent of the world’s scientists as measured by the highest impact of citations. His most recent books include CLA 3.0, The End of the Cow and other Emerging Issues, and Asia 2038. In the past few years, he has worked with UNESCAP; Victoria Police; Auckland City Council;; Thailand Institute for Justice; Ho Chin Minh Academy; PWC; ANZ; OECD; FAO; INTERPOL; Mitsubishi Motors; the Government of New Zealand; WHO; the Government of Egypt; the Government of Indonesia; The Asian Development Bank; Globe Telecom; ISESCO; the Philippines Senate; the Pacific Community; GASERC; and the Queensland Crime and Corruption Commission.

Ivana Milojević (/ˈivənə mɪˈlɔɪəvɪtʃ/), Director of, is a researcher, writer, and educator with a transdisciplinary professional background spanning sociology, education, gender studies, peace and conflict studies, and futures studies. Since the mid-1990s, she has been actively engaged in delivering speeches, facilitating workshops, and conducting research for various governmental institutions, international associations, and non-governmental organizations across Asia-Pacific, Africa, and Europe. She previously held academic positions at several universities, including at the University of the Sunshine Coast (Adjunct Professor), University of Novi Sad, and Tamkang University (Visiting Professor). Dr. Milojević is the author or editor of some 150 publications (e.g., academic books, book chapters, journal and magazine articles). In 2016-2017, she led the foresight unit at the Centre for Strategic and Policy Studies in Brunei Darussalam. In 2022-2023, Ivana was a Senior Futures Thinking and Foresight Specialist/Consultant with the Asian Development Bank.

All sessions are interactive. Each session is introduced by a presentation punctuated by exchanges with the participants. The use of workshops will focus on skills development to enable participants to feel confident in using the tools explored without support when they return to their organisations.

The masterclass is intended for decision-makers in both government and the private sector, foresight practitioners, users or commissioners. Attendance is limited to 20 participants to give an opportunity to exchange views and discuss. We reserve the right to contact you to discuss your experience in order to guarantee sufficient homogeneity within the group to ensure the quality of the training.
This training does not require any specific prerequisites.

The slide-show used during the different modules of the masterclass will be given to participants. It will be downloadable at the end of the session.

The registration fee is 930 euros excluding tax, and 1,116 euros including tax (20% VAT included). It includes participation in training and training materials. Lunch is offered. Any multiple registration allows, from the second registration, to benefit from a 10% reduction (discount cannot be combined with the discounts enjoyed by Futuribles International members). Partner members of Futuribles International are exempt from registration fees (valid for one person, subject to availability).
Futuribles International is an approved training organisation Qualiopi certified. Its registration number is 11751653975. The training lasts 7 hours.

This training session will be evaluated by the participants at the end of the session and in writing, through a survey sent to all attendees.

Tuesday 15th October 2024

9.15-9.30 – Tea/Coffee

9.30-10.00 – Welcome and introduction

10.00-11.00 – Causal layered analysis: A four-level approach to alternative futures
• CLA in the context of policymaking, strategy and foresight
• CLA theory

11.00-11.15 – Tea/Coffee

11.15-12.00 – Examples of the application of CLA, including but not limited to
• International development banking
• The energy transition to renewables
• Interpol and policing
• Higher education
• Law and justice
• Gender equity

12.00-13.00 – The CLA game – Learning through the four levels
Interactive real-time game to explore solutions

13h00-14h30 – Lunch together

14.30-16.00 – Using CLA
• Action learning, participants experiment on a policy or research question
• Types of CLA
– Mapping
– Deeper causation
– From the present to the future
– Map plus transformed

16.00-16.15 – Tea/Coffee

16.15-17.30 – Prospective synthesis: Main trends and weak signals
• What has changed in foresight over the last three years?
• Reflections and action learning projects

Sohail Inayatullah, a political scientist and futurist, is the UNESCO Chair in Futures Studies at the Sejahtera Centre for Sustainability and Humanity, IIUM, Malaysia. He is also Professor at Tamkang University, Taiwan, and Associate, Melbourne Business School, the University of Melbourne. He teaches from where his courses include "Become a Futurist" and "Personal Futures: the CLA of the Self". He is listed in the top two percent of the world's scientists as measured by the highest impact of citations. His most recent books include "CLA 3.0", "The End of the Cow and other Emerging Issues", and "Asia 2038". In the past few years, he has worked with UNESCAP; Victoria Police; Auckland City Council;; Thailand Institute for Justice; Ho Chin Minh Academy; PWC; ANZ; OECD; FAO; INTERPOL; Mitsubishi Motors; the Government of New Zealand; WHO; the Government of Egypt; the Government of Indonesia; The Asian Development Bank; Globe Telecom; ISESCO; the Philippines Senate; the Pacific Community; GASERC; and the Queensland Crime and Corruption Commission.
Dr. Ivana Milojević (/ˈivənə mɪˈlɔɪəvɪtʃ/), Director of, is a researcher, writer, and educator with a transdisciplinary professional background spanning sociology, education, gender studies, peace and conflict studies, and futures studies. Since the mid-1990s, she has been actively engaged in delivering speeches, facilitating workshops, and conducting research for various governmental institutions, international associations, and non-governmental organizations across Asia-Pacific, Africa, and Europe. She previously held academic positions at several universities, including at the University of the Sunshine Coast (Adjunct Professor), University of Novi Sad, and Tamkang University (Visiting Professor). Dr. Milojević is the author or editor of some 150 publications (e.g., academic books, book chapters, journal and magazine articles). In 2016-2017, she led the foresight unit at the Centre for Strategic and Policy Studies in Brunei Darussalam. In 2022-2023, Ivana was a Senior Futures Thinking and Foresight Specialist/Consultant with the Asian Development Bank.


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