

Abstracts n° 429

Cet article fait partie de la revue Futuribles n° 429, mars-avril 2019

Cities, Territories and Democratic Transition
Johanna Rolland

An Argument for Digital Restraint
Hugues Ferreboeuf

The French and the Digital: The Lessons of the CREDOC Research Centre’s Baromètre du numérique 2018
André-Yves Portnoff

Acting Together for the Common Good: The Experience of the SNCF Foundation
Marianne Eshet

Social Enterprises in Europe: The Experience of Three European Countries
Philippe-Henri Dutheil

Vocational Training in France: Yet Another Reform but to What End?
Paul Santelmann

Jacques Ellul, Thinker of the Technological System (Futures of Yesteryear)
Daniel Cérézuelle

The European Union and Fundamental Rights
Jean-François Drevet