

Abstracts n° 399

Cet article fait partie de la revue Futuribles n° 399, mars-avril 2014

Robotics: The Great Challenges to Come
Pierre-Yves Oudeyer

Personal Assistance Robots : Promise and Obstacles
Charles Fattal (ed.)

Physical Assistance Robots: Advantages of the New Human-Robot Pairing at Work and the Attendant Risks
Michel Héry (ed.)

Enhancing Human Capacities: Current State of Affairs and Technological Prospects
Pierre-Yves Cusset

Advertising: The Impact of the Mobile Internet
André-Yves Portnoff

Shale Gas: Myths and Realities. The Stakes in this Much-Heralded Revolution and its Limitations
Pierre Papon

Innovative Local Initiatives: An Ear to the Ground for Entrepreneurs in the Social Economy
An Interview with Philippe Bertrand by Marthe de La Taille-Rivero

What Foreign and Security Policy for Europe?
Jean-François Drevet